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Team Captain Kit

Be a Team Captain & Form a Team: Grab your co-workers, family members, or friends and put a team together. You’ll get some great photo opportunities if you all dress the same.

The Team Captain is responsible for forming a team, recruiting runners/joggers/walkers, encouraging co-workers, family and/or friends to register, and to secure, distribute and communicate race day materials to their team participants.

The Registration Process


  • Create a Team

  • Join a Team

  • Submit Payment

There are no minimum registration requirements to form a team.



  1. A Captain must first register him/herself for the race by clicking on the registration link and then selecting the “Create a Team” option at the bottom of his/her registration form.
  2. Once the Captain has created the team name and has registered, they must notify each member of their team to register as a part of their team.
  3. You may use the Team Captain materials below to communicate and promote the event with your team members.



  1. Each member who is notified that their team has been created can join the team by clicking on the registration link and selecting the “Join a Team” option at the bottom of his/her registration form.
  2. Select their team name from the drop down menu and complete their registration.


Race Packet Pickup/Delivery Information

You must submit payment for all your race entries before you can receive your race packets.  Learn more about our race packet pickup locations and times.


Team Captain Materials

Here are some materials to help you recruit team members:

© 2023 by Fort Lauderdale Turkey Trot

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